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Save some money by making your own screens cleaning fluid

At times we run we are surrounded by screens, now I have nearly 7 screens: two monitors, tablet, iPhone, home-phone (which also has screen) and the other two monitors that are around me. That's why screen-cleaning fluids become a necessity in our space. Prices of liquid to clean screens ranging from $ 5 to $ 10 (depending on the brand and where you buy it) but there is also a more economical option is that you can make your own liquid for cleaning all types of screens. All you need are two things:

Foxconn Employee filtered iPhone 5 with iOS 6 (Video)

It was a matter of time until someone leaked an iPhone 5 fully assembled directly from a Foxconn manufacturing plant. The terminal that appears in the video below is a fully functional model preinstalled with iOS 6.

Era cuestión de tiempo hasta que alguien filtrara un iPhone 5 totalmente montado, directamente desde una planta de producción de Foxconn. El terminal que aparece en el vídeo de abajo es un modelo totalmente funcional y preinstalado con iOS 6.

Epic Super Mario Bros Electric Guitar!!!!!!

24 trastes, de tamaño completo, tremolo flotante completo, locking neck, fácil acceso a la parte superior del cuello, incrustaciones de hongo, sonido increíble, y tiene un aspecto fantástico.

24 Fret, full size, full floating tremolo, locking neck, easy access to the top of the neck, mushroom inlays, amazing sound, and looks fantastic.

VIDEOGAME!!! Old School vs. New School: FIGHT!


Celestial Astrodea Watch


Superhero Earbuds / Audifonos de SuperHéroe